Fire Equipment
The Ralston Engine Company #1 – Mendham Township Fire Department is a totally volunteer fire company serving the western portions of Mendham Township, Morris County – New Jersey.
The fire apparatus is designed to serve the needs of the Ralston area and Township of Mendham. Currently the 3 major fire apparatus are owned by the Township of Mendham and the Chief’s response unit (Car 17) is owned by the Ralston Engine Company #1. The NJ State Forest Fire Brush unit A24 is owned by the State of NJ and is housed in the “old” Ralston firehouse – operated by members belonging to the NJ State Forest Fire Service.
This apparatus responds based upon the emergency incident and needed specialized equipment to emergencies ranging from structural fires, fire alarm activations, culinary mishaps, motor vehicle accidents/entrapments, smoke conditions, downed wires and trees, brush fires, etc.
Car 17 - Chief's Response Unit
The Fire Chief’s Response Unit is a 2015 Dodge with utility body. This unit was purchased by the Ralston Engine Company #1 Inc with donations by XXXXX and other residents of the community. This unit provides immediate response of the Incident Commander to the scene of an incident for size-up of the emergency and set up of a Command Post. The unit houses the radios to contact dispatch and responding fire apparatus. Essential tools for the first arriving unit are also carried.
Engine 11
2019 Pierce PUC - Placed in Service March 7th, 2020
Tender 12
2002 Pierce/Kenworth
(Serves with the Northern Mutual Aid Assoc. - Tender Task Force and Somerset County Tender/Tanker Region 1 North TTF31)
(Serves with the Northern Mutual Aid Assoc. - Tender Task Force and Somerset County Tender/Tanker Region 1 North TTF31)
Rescue 14